How To Incorporate A Single Angular Component Inside a Page Using Angular Elements

Angular elements are Angular components that can be packaged as custom elements, a web standard for defining new HTML elements in a framework-agnostic way. This allows you to use Angular components in any HTML page, regardless of whether or not the page is part of an Angular application.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to incorporate a single Angular component inside a page using Angular elements:

  1. Create an Angular component that you want to use as an Angular element. This component should be self-contained and should not depend on any other part of your Angular application.
  2. Import the Angular Elements package from @angular/elements in your component module file.
  3. Add the component to the entryComponents array in the component module. This tells Angular that the component will be used as an entry point to the application.
  4. In the component module, create a function that will create an Angular element from the component. This function should do the following:
  • Import the createCustomElement function from @angular/elements.
  • Use the createCustomElement function to create a custom element from the component.
  • Define the custom element name that you want to use in your HTML page.
  • Return the custom element.
  1. In your component module, add a provider for the NgElement, and include the function created in step 4 in the provider’s useFactory property.
  2. In the component module, import the CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA and add it to the schemas array in the NgModule decorator. This tells Angular that the HTML page will contain custom elements.
  3. In your HTML page, include a script tag that imports the bundle for the component module. This bundle should include all the necessary dependencies for the component to work as an Angular element.
  4. In the HTML page, use the custom element name that you defined in step 4 as a new HTML tag, and include any necessary attributes or content as needed.

By following these steps, you can incorporate a single Angular component inside an HTML page using Angular elements. This allows you to reuse your Angular components in a variety of different contexts, and can be a useful tool for building reusable and modular components.


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